Dear Brian,

Thank you for your response. It very good to hear that changing the
hash is on the git project's list. I haven't found any official
communication on that topic since 2006.
I'll look into the contributions guide and the source codes, to check
if I can contribute to this transition. If you have any documentation
or other related info, please point me towards it.

Zsolt Herczeg

2016-07-16 22:13 GMT+02:00 brian m. carlson <>:
> On Sat, Jul 16, 2016 at 03:48:49PM +0200, Herczeg Zsolt wrote:
>> But - and that's the main idea i'm writing here - changing the storage
>> keys does not mean you should drop your old hashes out. If you change
>> the git data structure in a way, that it can keep multiple hashes for
>> the same "link" in each objects (trees, commits, etc) you can keep the
>> old ones right next to the new one. If you want to look up the
>> referenced object, you must use the newest hash - which is the key.
>> But if you want to verify some old hash, it's still possible! Just
>> look up the objects by the new key, remove all the newer generation
>> keys, and verify the old hash on that.
>> A storage structure like this would allow a very great flexibility:
>>  - You can change your hash algorithm in the future. If SHA-256
>> becomes broken, it's not a problem. Just re-hash the storage, and
>> append the new hashes the git objects.
>>  - You can still verify your old hashes after a hash change - removing
>> the new hashes from the objects before hashing should give you back
>> the old objects, thus giving you the same hash as before.
>>  - That makes possible for signed tags, and commits to keep their
>> validity after hash change! With a clever-enough new format, you can
>> even keep the validity of current hashes and signs. (To be able to do
>> that, you should be able to calculate back the current format from the
>> new format.)
>> Moving git forward to a format like this would solve the weak-key
>> problem in git forever. You would be able to configure your key algo
>> on a per repository basis, you - and git - can do the daily work on
>> the newest hashes, while still carrying the old hashes and signatures,
>> in case you ever want to verify them. That would allow repositories to
>> gracefully change hashes in case they need to, and to only
>> compatibility limitation is that you must use a new enough git to
>> understand the new storage format.
>> What are your thoughts on this approach? Will git ever reach a release
>> with exchangeable hash algorithm? Or should someone look for
>> alternatives if there's a need for cryptographic security?
> I'm working on adding new hash algorithm support in Git.  However, it
> requires a significant refactor of the code base.  My current plan is
> not to implement side-by-side data, for a couple reasons.
> One is that it requires significantly more work to implement and
> complicates the code.  It's also incompatible with all the refactoring
> I've done already.
> The second is that it requires that Git have the ability to store
> multiple hashes at once, which is very expensive in terms of memory.
> Moving from a 160-bit hash to a 256-bit hash (my current plan is
> SHA3-256) requires 1.6× the memory.  Storing both requires 2.6× the
> memory.  If you add a third hash, it requires even more.  Memory is
> often a constraint with using Git.
> The current plan is to use git-fast-import and git-fast-export to handle
> that conversion process, and then maybe provide wrappers to make it more
> transparent.
> Currently the process of the refactor is ongoing, but it is a free time
> activity for me.
> If you'd like to follow the progress roughly, you can do so by checking
> the output of the following commands:
>   git grep 'unsigned char.*20' | wc -l
>   git grep 'struct object_id' | wc -l
> You are also welcome to contribute, of course.
> --
> brian m. carlson / brian with sandals: Houston, Texas, US
> +1 832 623 2791 | | My opinion only
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