Hi, I wanted to report something interesting that I found while
tracing a severe slowdown in git-prompt.sh.


Way back in this commit, someone added a useful chunk of code that
works perfectly with svn+ssh:// URLs under basic regexes:

+ local svn_upstream=($(git log --first-parent -1 \
+ --grep="^git-svn-id: \(${svn_url_pattern:2}\)" 2>/dev/null))

However, if I switch over to Perl regexes (or Extended):

git config --global grep.patternType perl

Then the command runs for one wall clock second and shows incorrect
results on my repository. I eventually traced this to an issue with
the regular expression provided, assuming the svn repository url is

git log ... --grep="^git-svn-id: \(svn+ssh://...\)" 2>/dev/null

The + sign isn't escaped in git-prompt.sh, which under non-basic
regexes causes the match to fail entirely.

 - R.

ps. git log --basic-regexp does not fix the issue, as for unknown
reasons (I'll start another thread) the command-line option doesn't
override grep.patternType.
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