On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 11:33 AM, Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> wrote:
> Ehsan Azarnasab <azarna...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Currently if I have a branch checked out in a work-tree, git-checkout
>> will show this error message when checking out that branch:
>> $ git checkout master
>> fatal: 'master' is already checked out at '/home/dashesy/development/feature'
>> It would be very useful to instead of this error just change the
>> current working directory, so git checkout would become a `cd` command
> That is an understandable thing to want from 10,000ft view, but it
> would not be something Git, or any external command that is spawned
> by the shell for that matter, can address.  You'd need to teach the
> shell to cooperate.
> --

You could implement this for yourself as a shell function sort of, by
wrapping git, but it's a bit crazy, something like:

function git() {
  # check if first argument is checkout, otherwise exec git
  # check second argument, and parse git-worktree to determine if it
is checked out
  # if so, just cd into the directory
  # else exec git normally.

I'll leave actual implementations to the user. Note at least for BASH,
you need to actually do this as a function alias.

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