On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 04:35:32AM +0200, Torsten Bögershausen wrote:

> > +   mkdir -p generated-test-data &&
> > +   for i in $(test_seq 1 $T0021_LARGE_FILE_SIZE)
> > +   do
> > +           # Generate 1MB of empty data and 100 bytes of random characters
> > +           printf "%1048576d" 1
> > +           printf "$(LC_ALL=C tr -dc "A-Za-z0-9" </dev/urandom | dd 
> > bs=$((RANDOM>>8)) count=1 2>/dev/null)"
> I'm not sure how portable /dev/urandom is.
> The other thing, that "really random" numbers are an overkill, and
> it may be easier to use pre-defined numbers,

Right, there are a few reasons not to use /dev/urandom:

  - it's not portable

  - if we have to generate a lot of numbers, it drains the system's
    entropy pool, which is an unfriendly thing to do (and may also be

  - it makes our tests random! This sounds like a good thing, but it
    means that if some input happens to cause failure, you are unlikely
    to be able to reproduce it.

Instead, use test-genrandom, which is an LCG that starts at a seed. So
you get a large amount of random-ish quickly and portably, and you get
the same data each time.

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