@elextr OMG you need to update your code *once*!!! Which, as I've said, would 
take maybe a few hours, and the same goes for about a dozen projects out there 
in the wild using VTE. Compare this to the amount of time and effort it would 
have taken us to develop and test each and every change (hundreds of them) 
during the years for two different GTK+ versions in parallel. No one can 
seriously think that that would have been the better approach.

I'm here absolutely voluntarily to help you out to get Geany ported to the 
newer version, and also give you rationale behind our decisions, and up to now 
I was happy to do it.

I've contributed *a lot* voluntarily to VTE (and *many* VTE-based apps) and I 
truly enjoyed it! It doesn't take a genius to realize what I've already 
mentioned: Had we had to maintain VTE for two different versions in parallel, 
we would have had less time to develop the GTK+-3 version and hence currently 
it wouldn't be anywhere near as good as it is now. But there's one more factor 
to this: I did it happily and passionately as a hobby project. Had I had to 
maintain an ancient version too in parallel to the current one, I wouldn't have 
been that happy and that passionate, and hence would have spent an overall 
significantly smaller time on the project.

I've faced disagreements, conflicts, disappointments throughout these times, 
but never during my volunteered contributions for these years have I ever felt 
offended – but I do now, by you calling our work "shit".

You know what... pretty much every other VTE-based project has already managed 
to update their code by now, Geany is one of the very few left behind... don't 
you think that maybe YOU should get YOUR shit together?!

And you owe us (VTE developers) an apology!

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