This feature is just about the only thing holding me back from switching away 
from another editor for everything, so I thought I would take a stab at it. I 
cloned master and added a wrapper for 
 in `sciwrappers.c` and unconditionally called it in  `create_new_sci`, 
(presumably the final version should be behind a checkbox or something.) But 
that didn't appear to do anything, (specifically I tried Ctrl-clicking to place 
multiple cursors.) Just by searching "geany ctrl click" I found [this 
thread]( that 
mentions that Ctrl-clicking is hardcoded to goto-tag and find-matching-brace 
depending where you click. So I found [the part of the code that does 
 and removed it. But Ctrl-clicking still doesn't work. Per comments above I 
expected some parts not to play nicely with multiple selections, but I hoped 
what I did would be enough to get it working some of the time! I managed to 
make the small changes I did by just `grep`ping trough the code and checking 
that functions were called when I thought they were being called. Does anyone 
else with more knowledge of the codebase have any ideas what else might cause 
Ctrl-clicking not to work?

FWIW, [further 
on]( in that 
discussion I linked to, an `enable-multiselection` branch was mentioned. Now I 
don't know the history of this project, but that discussion is from 2012. Is 
there any chance that branch would be even slightly relevant to the current 
codebase, assuming the author still has it and can be contacted?

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