I installed the latest geany on my windows 7 machine a couple days ago. When I 
type anywhere on the program that text can be typed, it appears in one the the 
Japanese alphabets (katakana). The encoding in the program is set to UTF-8. No 
matter what I change the encoding to, it is still typing in katakana.
My windows 7 is set to English US. I have no idea how to get it to type in 
english using roman character.
I do have a Japanese keyboard set so I can type in Japanese when need be, but 
it has never been an issue.
99% of the  time I'm not typing in Japanese anyways.
When you type in japanese, it is phoenetic. To make a syllable you need to type 
"t" + "a" to get "ta"->た. and that is hiragana.
When I try typing in geany, i get katakana characters showing up even if I 
press one key. My Japanese keyboard is not set to do that anyways. 
Any ideas how I could fix this?
Thank you.

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