Hi and welcome to inconsistency corner :grin:.  

This is a problem that infests many places of both operating systems and 
languages and libraries, what to call stuff relating to files, common options 
seem to be:

* `path` or `file path` or `filename`, the location of a file eg 

* `file` or `filename` or `basename`, the bit after the last separator in a 
path eg `file.ext`

* `file suffix` or `suffix` or `file extension` or `filename extension` or 
`extension`, the bit after (and usually including) the last dot in a `file` or 
`filename` or `basename` eg `.ext` (not counting weirdos like `.tar.gz`, did I 
mention inconsistency?)  It is usually used to indicate something about the 
contents of the file, eg .c is C language code and .rs is Rust language code.  

* `filetype` is a Geany specific term to indicate the expected contents of the 
file and to select the language support features of Geany, it may be selected 
by the extension of the `file` or specific content markers or by the user.  
Technically it is the `buffertype` as it relates to the buffer contents, but 
`filetype` has become so entrenched in the project that I doubt it can be 

Which words you use depends on what your programming/computer use background 
is, I am not sure any particular one is "correct".

To the specific examples:

> Explicitly defines a filetype for the file, if it would not be detected by 
> filename extension.
Note if you choose multiple files, they will all be opened with the chosen 

I would say replace "would" by "was" and "filename" by "the" are the only 
changes needed if at all.

> Proxy plugin '%s' extension '%s' starts with a dot. Please fix your proxy 
> plugin.

Seems fine, the code that generates the message is indicating that in this 
instance the extension must be specified without the separating dot.

> Path of the file representing the project and storing its settings. It should 
> normally have the "%s" extension.

Seems fine, the `path` by definition includes the `extension`.

> Unknown filetype extension for "%s".

Since %s is the name of a file probably better as "Unknown filetype for 
extension of %s"

> Hide file extensions:

Given that this is an option to hide the extensions of a list of files its 
probably quite reasonable.

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