Geany fails to execute Cpp file following compiling with no error.   File was 
vardef.cpp and compiled correctly with no errors, but when trying to execute, 
execute failed with the following message. 

'"./vardef"' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable 
program or batch file
(exited with code 9009)

This has happened with other files with each message beginning with 
This file is as follows:

// vardef.cpp
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int index;

int main()
int stuff;
int &another_stuff = stuff; // A synoym for stuff

        stuff = index + 14;  // index was initialized to zero
        cout << "stuff has the value " << stuff << "\n";
        stuff = 17;
        cout << "another_stuff has the value " << another_stuff << "\n";
int more_stuff = 13;  // not automatically initialized

        cout << "more_stuff has the value " << more_stuff << "\n";
        for (int count = 3 ; count < 8 ; count++)
                cout << "count has the value " << count << "\n";
                char count2 = count + 65;
                cout << "count2 has the value " << count2 << "\n";
        static unsigned goofy;  // automatically initialized to zero
                cout << "goofy has the value " << goofy << "\n";
        return 0;

// Result of execution
// stuff has the value 14
// another_stuff has the value 17
// more_stuff has the value 13
// count has the value 3
// count2 has the value D
// count has the value 4
// count2 has the value E
// count has the value 5
// count2 has the vallue F
// count has the value 6
// count 2 has the value G
// count has the value 7
// count2 has the value H
// goofy has the value 0

Any help would be appreciated.
Regards, Paul

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