I'm working this topic in u-ctags side.

With the change I proposed in 
https://github.com/universal-ctags/ctags/pull/2543, ctags can capture `foo` 

$ cat /tmp/foo.c
#define BLEH
struct foo BLEH { int _; };
$ u-ctags --param-CPreProcessor:_expand=1 --fields-C=+{macrodef} --fields=+S -o 
- /tmp/foo.c
<sor:_expand=1 --fields-C=+{macrodef} --fields=+S -o - /tmp/foo.c
BLEH    /tmp/foo.c      /^#define BLEH$/;"      d       language:C      file:   
_       /tmp/foo.c      /^struct foo BLEH { int _; };$/;"       m       
language:C      struct:foo      typeref:typename:int    file:
foo     /tmp/foo.c      /^struct foo BLEH { int _; };$/;"       s       
language:C      file:

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