I'm on Ubuntu 20.04

output from the debug log:
07:25:44: Gtk MESSAGE   : Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
07:25:44: Geany INFO            : Geany 1.36, en_GB.UTF-8
07:25:44: Geany INFO            : GTK 2.24.32, GLib 2.64.3

**Whether the problem occurs using a clean config dir (geany -c /tmp/deleteme)**
Yes it does. I ran the command and I still need to adjust the font size every 
time I open a new file.

I appreciate the workaround regarding to the issue with missing underscores. I 
used `line_height=0;2;` as suggested. But for it to kick in I need to zoom the 
font 3x (I don't know how many pixels is that. It doesn't show anywhere)

I hope I've provided enough info. Feel free to ask for more.

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