> Well, IMO that's one possible usage of it (admittedly, the expected one), but 
> it doesn't strike me as "wrong" to use it some other way.

Well, its the usage for which the feature is designed, if it is used in 
unintended ways and doesn't work that is not a bug.  And since the feature 
expects a unique(ish) toggle marker it breaks this config file toggle feature.  

Using space for the toggle marker will likely uncomment comments inside the 
selection, but I guess if thats what the user expects its ok for them, they 
just have to be careful which lines they select.

> > Won't that double comment comments which is sure to cause issues full of 
> > commented comments comments. :grin:

> Well, currently that's the case: lines commented get extra comment prefix, 
> looking like #~ # […], which indeed look kind of odd.

Ahh, after RTFC the skipping comments only happens on languages that have 
multi-line comments so they don't try to nest.

So it basically seems to me that there needs to be specific code for commenting 
Geany config files (which we know to be `.conf` filetype even if they are 
called `filetypes.c`) and it should comment uncommented lines using the comment 
marker for `.conf` files.  If that happens to be space then the user just has 
to be careful selecting lines to uncomment, but they were ok with doing that in 
their own code, so should be ok with doing it in the config file.

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