> > Also, my snowman is always in the uncolored variant
> To copy into Geany, I had to "Edit" this issue description and copy/paste 
> from there (and then cancel the edit). I think you also need a fallback font 
> that provides it to be installed like [Noto Color 
> Emoji](https://www.google.com/get/noto/help/emoji/).

Ha, thanks. After installing the Noto fonts it's also colored for me. It's even 
more fun now since you can set the crsor in the middle of the snowman (I'm 
still new to this fancy Unicode Emoji stuff :D).


$ fc-match -s monospace | grep -i emoji
NotoColorEmoji.ttf: "Noto Color Emoji" "Regular"

But Geany still doesn't crash.

So, the colored variant seems not relevant for the crash.
The remaining least common denominator seems to be Fedora (also used in #1022 
and #1036). Even if, as @b4n said, one user solved it by self-compiling.
- either the tests of this user were incomplete or there other other changes 
involved which led to the different results
- the Geany binary compiled for the Fedora package behaves differently than a 
self-compiled Geany binary on the same system (thnking of different set of 
compiler options or something like this)

At least the second theory could be easily verified / disproved.
@hroncok could you build Geany manually (ala `./configure && make && make 

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