@b4n now that you are returning `nullptr` from `pixels()` but you did not put a 
check for that on the return value of every use of pixels() all you have done 
is shift the problem. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: 

Now we can explain it, I suspect that it would be best to pass it to Neil to 
decide the best solution for fixing drawing indicators on zero sized code 
points.  He can best determine determine a solution that fits with his 
aspirations of `noexcept` everywhere and other performance issues. 

@codebrainz yeah, well, everybody just says "Gee Fedora is slow" :grin:

@b4n @codebrainz just think of C++ as See++ a language which no longer has a 
connection to C, and that does its own thing, like Java or D, thats effectively 
what it has become :smile: 

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