If the Geany execute command item is activated while a command is running it 
terminates the command, this allows programs that get into an infinite loop to 
be terminated.  When running in a terminal Geany does not know the process ID 
of the program, only of the terminal, so that is what is terminated, and 
hopefully it will terminate the program.  Similarly as it does not know the 
program process id there is no way Geany can find out if the program has 
finished, only if the terminal has finished, so the execute action remains as 
"stop" until the terminal closes.  So this part is working as intended.

Geany does not store any execute state when it closes because it no longer owns 
the terminal process when its restarted (if that process still existed) so 
there is no point in it doing so.  I suspect that if the execute icon stays at 
stop then your laptop is not shutting down, it is hibernating or suspending, so 
Geany is restored in its previous state, but I have no idea if the terminal 
process termination is correctly delivered in that case, possibly not, but its 
not a scenario Geany has been designed to cope with, YMMV.

If you want to have multiple terminals open the command Geany runs (from 
`Preferences->Tools->Terminal`) must complete.  I havn't tried it, but you 
could try modifying that preference to run the terminal in a shell and 
detaching it.

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