> I am concerned that certain terminal based UI applications may not properly 
> work inside Geany.

IIRC Fish was using minimum 20 columns and 2 lines in its check, which seems 
arbitrary, unless it's from POSIX standard? Moreover, at least here, Geany's 
terminal has the correct output for `tput cols` (and `$COLUMNS`) and `tput 
lines` (and `$LINES`), so it shouldn't affect anything but the initial shell.

LibVTE has always been weird with respect to sizing due to it always having to 
update/maintain the terminal size (columns/lines) dynamically on-the-fly and 
also having to respect GTK+'s widget sizing stuff (pixels width/height), and in 
addition being inside a GTK+ scrolled window.

It's possible a workaround could be implemented, like only spawning the shell 
command after the VTE widget is sized/realized using a callback and hoping the 
user doesn't have their message window shrunk down "too" small or by enforcing 
a minimum width/height somehow like standalone VTE applications do (ex. 
gnome-terminal, xfce4-terminal), but it doesn't seem worth it to me unless 
someone volunteers to investigate and make a patch.

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