> Geany opens fine, and is not segfaulting,

Good, that means there is something in the setup or settings that is weird, but 
it nonetheless should not cause a segfault.

> Now it is not segfaulting anymore even with the regular config.

Thats weird, and bad because that means we can't track down what weirdness is 
causing the segfaulting and protect against it.

If it happens again can you try running Geany under gdb and get a backtrace 
showing where it segfaults and re-open this and post here?

The behaviour you describe with only one new document open is the intended 
behaviour.  There is an option to always open a new document when the last is 
closed because someone didn't like having an empty space where the editor tabs 
go, but since it was just a space filler they deleted it when the user opened 
or created a document, but they did that always.  So when you create a new 
document and there is only one existing document and it has no backing file and 
is unmodified it is deleted and you see that message in the status.  

A side effect of this is that unless you have more than one document open or 
one file backed or modified document open you can't open multiple empty 
documents.  Although there have been various discussions about this over the 
years nobody has found the use-case of opening _only_ multiple empty documents 
sufficiently important to make the code to change it.   For example add a flag 
to the "fake" document and only delete the single document it if its flagged as 
well as being unmodified and not file backed, so not deleting user created 
empty documents.

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