> @jansalleine : Got your message, thank you! I'll give it a try. Switched from 
> Manjaro to Ubuntu because of this bug. Looking forward to some Manjaro time 
> :-)
> _I don't know if this comment will be displayed on a closed issue, but I had 
> the same problem on Arch Linux, Gnome 3, X11 Session. In this case my 
> workaround was to edit /usr/share/applications/geany.desktop and change the 
> "Exec" line to: Exec=env GDK_BACKEND=x11 geany %F_

Mh. Unfortunately I deleted that comment, because after some time that bug 
occured again. For some weird reason not running geany in "maximized" window 
seems to be the only thing that "fixes" that issue for me. I wish you luck 
anyway :-)

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