I got it compiled on macOS with
meson _builddir -Dgtkdoc=false -Dcpp_std=c++17 && ninja -C _builddir
and Geany installs and runs fine.

The only problem I did run into during the compilation was inside 
`doc/meson.build` where the `cp` commands take the `-u` parameter which is not 
supported on macOS (for the compilation I just removed it).

One thing still missing is the support of the gtk-mac-integration library which 
is used to make GTK applications behave in a more native way. What's missing is 
the configuration option to enable mac integration and also the detection of 
the presence of the library like in the autotools m4 file here:


When the library is enabled, Geany should link against it and add `osx.h` and 
`osx.c` to the compilation:


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