goldmedal commented on code in PR #1541:

@@ -2935,12 +2935,23 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
         } else if Token::LBracket == tok {
             if dialect_of!(self is PostgreSqlDialect | DuckDbDialect | 
GenericDialect) {
-                self.parse_subscript(expr)
+                let expr = self.parse_multi_dim_subscript(expr)?;
+                if self.dialect.support_period_map_access_key() {
+                    self.parse_map_access(expr, vec![])
+                } else {
+                    Ok(expr)
+                }

Review Comment:
   Thank @iffyio. Indeed, if we merge them in this PR, we can fix many things. 
It could be a big refactor 🤔 
   I have two candidate proposals for it:
   ## Merge `Subscript` into `MapAcess` and rename `MapAccess`
   - Remove the `Expr::Subscript` and add a new `MapAccessSyntax::Slice` for 
`[1:5]` SQL
   - Rename `MapAcess` to `ElementAccess` for the elements access of `Map` and 
   ## Remove `MapAccess` and integrate with `CompositeAccess`
   `CompositeAccess` is a syntax structure for `expr1.expr2`. I think we can 
use it to represent the period map access. We can use `CompositeAccess` and 
`Subscript` to present the access chain like `expr1.expr2[1].expr3`
   CompositeAccess (
       CompositeAccess (expr1,
           CompositeAccess( expr2 ,
               Subscript(1))), Indent(expr3))
   Then, we don't need `MapAccess` for the chain.
   What do you think? Which one do you prefer?

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