On Sunday 26 October 2014 11:34:47 Bobby Allen wrote:
> Good morning guys,
> I'm hoping that someone can help, my problem seems to be as follows:-
> I backed up my production GitLab server (running 7.4.2) and then tried to 
> restore following a re-install of the OS (wanted to go from Ubuntu 12.04 
> LTS to 14.04 LTS) but when attempting to restore the backup, it fails as 
> shown in the screenshot below:
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-iawUJQswA1o/VEzMda9FwxI/AAAAAAAAIKg/WkhOakOn-KI/s1600/Screenshot%2B2014-10-26%2B10.26.41.png>
> I can confirm that when running the rail:check command, my environment is 
> setup correctly and strangely the other project names appear below but 
> obviously haven't been created/imported as the above error message shows 
> the 'motters/ManUniBooking' project failed to import which obviously 
> stopped the rest from being successfully imported:
> <https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-42LKjc1JYd0/VEzOD1SA10I/AAAAAAAAIKs/YShPvTLmmbU/s1600/Screenshot%2B2014-10-26%2B10.32.33.png>
> After speaking the the repository owner he advised that he had setup the 
> 'project' however had never 'pushed' any code to it so basically it appears 
> that my GitLab server is failing over when trying to import a project which 
> has no Git repository/code I assume.
> Is there anyway I can 'skip' these errors and simply just not restore any 
> projects that have no repositories (never had code pushed to them) so I can 
> ensure that I am able to restore the other 20+ repositories I have on this 
> backup or am I now screwed? :(
> Thanks in advance and really hope someone can offer me some advice :)

Today I encountered the same problem with gitlab 7.4.0 omnibus debian deb 
during my update procedure to 7.4.2.
Any ideas how to fix this?

I do have a test system so it's save for me to perform some tests...
I will wait with updating my production environment till I am sure it is 
possible to restore a backup again.

Markus Koeberl
Graz University of Technology
Signal Processing and Speech Communication Laboratory
E-mail: markus.koeb...@tugraz.at

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