I've been asked to enable email notifications on a recently upgraded manual 
installation of GitLab 6.8.x to an Omnibus installed 7.4.3 on Ubuntu 12.04 

I have added the following entries to */etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb*:

*gitlab_rails['smtp_enable'] = true*
*gitlab_rails['smtp_address'] = "xxx.yyy.com"*
*gitlab_rails['smtp_port'] = 25*
*gitlab_rails['smtp_authentication'] = "none"*
*gitlab_rails['smtp_enable_starttls_auto'] = false*
*gitlab_rails['gitlab_email_from'] = "x...@yyy.com"*

When I enable and test the 'Emails on Push' service on a given project, I 
can see the *EmailsOnPushWorker* doing its stuff in the Sidekiq log files 
and I receive an appropriate email. However, when I attempt to perform 
other activities such as creating a merge request, creating issues, adding 
comments, @mention-ing users etc, no notification emails are sent and there 
doesn't appear to be anything obvious in the log files indicating that any 
attempt is being made to send emails. I appreciate that the 'Emails on 
Push' service is separate to general notifications - I just wanted to 
mention it to prove that it does work with my current SMTP configuraton - 
so why no email notifications for anything else - FYI my profile is 
configured with the 'Watch' notification level (global) and the projects I 
am a member of are using global notifications settings.

Am I missing something? Am I incorrect to assume that I should be receiving 
emails for merge requests, new issues, comments, @mentions, issue closure 
etc? Any ideas?



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