I'm trying to remove a project before re-importing it
(it's an SVN - Git migration automation test)
For the moment I'm only creating a bare repository and pushing it to the 
gitlab repository folder and launching an rake task 
(gitlab-rake gitlab:import:repos), 
I'm seeing some strange behaviour when browsing the tags for instance, 
But only after several import of the same project which have added some tag 
and branches.

My question is : how can I remove the project before re-pushing it ? 
I've tried simply rm -rf the repository folder and running an cleanup rake 
task, but the project still exists in gitlab.
what would be the best way to re-import a project without having some 
strange behaviour (like having a list of branches in the file view that 
doesn't match the branch view

I'm using this configuration : 
System information
System:         Debian 7.6
Current User:   git
Using RVM:      no
Ruby Version:   2.1.2p95
Gem Version:    2.2.1
Bundler Version:1.5.3
Rake Version:   10.3.2
Sidekiq Version:2.17.0

GitLab information
Version:        7.3.1
Revision:       1660aa2
Directory:      /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails
DB Adapter:     postgresql
URL:            http://XXXXX
HTTP Clone URL: http://XXXX/some-project.git
SSH Clone URL:  git@XXXXX:some-project.git
Using LDAP:     yes
Using Omniauth: no

GitLab Shell
Version:        2.0.0
Repositories:   /var/opt/gitlab/git-data/repositories
Hooks:          /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-shell/hooks/
Git:            /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/git

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