For those who want to install GitLab CI on Ubuntu 14 LTS, on the same 
server as GiLab CE, here are the steps that made it work:

Install recommended packages defined here:
apt-get install wget curl gcc checkinstall libxml2-dev libxslt-dev 
libcurl4-openssl-dev libreadline6-dev libc6-dev libssl-dev libmysql++-dev 
make build-essential zlib1g-dev openssh-server git-core libyaml-dev postfix 
libpq-dev libicu-dev openssl
apt-get install redis-server

Install ruby 2.1, use a pre-build from launchpad:
add-apt-repository ppa:brightbox/ruby-ng
apt-get install ruby2.1 ruby2.1-dev
gem install --http-proxy http://localhost:9191 bundler --no-ri --no-rdoc
cd /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-ci
export http_proxy=http://localhost:9191
bundle install --without development test mysql --deployment

In /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb do the following:
ci_external_url 'http://your-ci-domain:port'
gitlab_ci['gitlab_server'] = { 'url' => 'http://your-gitlab-server:port', 
'app_id' => "get-this-from-the-app", 'app_secret' => 
'get-this-from-the-app' }
gitlab_ci['db_adapter'] = 'postgresql'
gitlab_ci['db_encoding'] = 'unicode'
gitlab_ci['db_database'] = 'gitlab-ci'
gitlab_ci['db_host'] = 'localhost'
gitlab_ci['db_port'] = '5432'
gitlab_ci['db_username'] = 'gitlab' # Database owner.
gitlab_ci['db_password'] = 'apassword' # Database owner's password.

Setup CI:
gitlab-ci-rake setup

I am not sure if all of these steps are mandatory. Then there is still the 
gitlab-runner to install, but that one worked straight forward.

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