LDAP is a pain to setup because there are so many different server 
configurations... Post the relevant section of your gitlab.rb to make it 
easier for us to help.

When I was setting up LDAP (AD, actually), I used ldapsearch to test 
different parameter combinations, and then converted these params to Gitlab 
options like this:

ldapsearch -x -LLL -H ldap://$HOST -D $BIND_DN -W -b $BASE 

Where $USER_LOGIN is the login you'll be typing into GitLab's login form. I 
had to fiddle with the BIND_DN, BASE and UID until I could make it work, 
then I used these values in gitlab.rb LDAP config. I use an unqualified 
login (ie. "dserodio"), so maybe you'll have to change the value of the 
"allow_username_or_email_login" config too.

Daniel Serodio

On Thursday, March 5, 2015 at 7:52:52 PM UTC-3, Walter Boring wrote:
> After a long battle, I'm able to get gitlab to connect to my LDAP server. 
> But now, I'm getting invalid credentials everytime I try and auth a new 
> user.
> I can run RAILS_ENV=production gitlab-rake -v --trace gitlab:ldap:check
> and I get users listed just fine.
> The problem I have now is that when I try and login with my LDAP 
> credentials, I get Invalid Credentials.
> I have verified that the credentials are correct (email addy, password)
> I'm curious as to what gitlab is sending to the LDAP server to try the 
> auth.
> I know the LDAP username has to be formatted in 
> uid=<email address>,ou=People,o=foo.com
> when I tail the logs with "gitlab-ctl tail" I see
> ==> /var/log/gitlab/unicorn/unicorn_stdout.log <==
> I, [2015-03-05T14:50:55.187926 #22730]  INFO -- omniauth: (ldapmain) 
> Callback phase initiated.
> E, [2015-03-05T14:51:05.510018 #22730] ERROR -- omniauth: (ldapmain) 
> Authentication failure! invalid_credentials encountered.
> ==> /var/log/gitlab/gitlab-rails/production.log <==
> Processing by OmniauthCallbacksController#failure as HTML
>   Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", 
> "authenticity_token"=>"qhXx+IXl7WYUFxmxmGvlqD+SDUnF/mEzEFfaOZnJ76Q=", 
> "username"=>"walter...@foo.com <javascript:>", "password"=>"[FILTERED]"}
> If that is the username that's sent to LDAP for bind/auth, it will never 
> work.   it has to be in the format of 
> "uid=walter...@foo.com <javascript:>,ou=People,o=foo.com"
> Walt
> On Thursday, March 5, 2015 at 10:26:41 AM UTC-8, Walter Boring wrote:
>> I'm trying to debug my LDAP config issues with the latest gitlab.
>> I know nothing about ruby and all it's confusion of how it works, so I'm 
>> probably doing something crazy stupid wrt to rubyness.
>> Anyways, I installed the latest from https://about.gitlab.com/downloads/ 
>> on ubuntu 14.04.   
>> I then followed the instructions here: 
>> https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/master/doc/integration/ldap.md 
>> to setup LDAP. 
>> But LDAP auth is failing, and I am trying to figure out how to debug it.
>> I tried follwing the testing of LDAP config here:
>> https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/615
>> Running "sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:ldap:check 
>> RAILS_ENV=production"   yields some confusing ruby output that is less than 
>> helpful, to say the least.
>> root@test-gitlab-vm:~# sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:ldap:check 
>> RAILS_ENV=production
>> Could not locate Gemfile
>> The gitlab web interface is up and running and I can try and auth with my 
>> LDAP creds, but I get an error.
>> Any idea how to make that convoluted and confusing bundle exec rake thing 
>> work?

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