
My question is a repeat of the 

I wanted to raise the publicity a bit as I am keen on answer.

For a GitLab server that is hosted on an AWS EC2 instance. I would like to 
view the GitLab server login page via a SSH tunnel similar to that which is 
done here 
R-studio, where in the blog it says that by typing http://localhost:8787 on 
the local machine web-browser you are able to access R-studio server. 
Another example would be this 
But for my purposes, I would hope that when using a local machine 
web-browser with the address bar saying something like...'
http://localhost:8082' but this leading me to the GitLab server login. The 
reason for doing this is to ensure security by only having port 22 open for 
SSH only which is used for both PuTTy login but also for the tunnel.

Here is what I have done so far:

I have launched a t2.micro instance with Ubunutu 14.04 and downloaded and 
installed GitLab CE Omnibus as per this page 

I think i need to alter to the external url in /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rd to 
something like:

external_url 'http://ip-xxx-xx-x-x.eu-west-1.compute.internal:8082'

After running PuTTy to SSH into the EC2 instance, and having set a tunnel 
so that the source port is 8082 and the destination is localhost:8082 and 
clicking Add.

I would expect to be able to go to my web-browser and in the address bar 
run http://localhost:8082 for the login page for GitLabs to turn up... but 
unfortunately this does not happen at the moment.

Any help would be greatly appreciated...

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