Hello. I apologize in advance for the length of this post, but I think it's 
important for me to list all the specific steps that led up to the problem 
I'm currently experiencing.

I was running Gitlab 7.3.0 installed via the omnibus .deb on Ubuntu 14.04.  
I wanted to try Gitlab CI, and I didn't know that it wasn't included in the 
version I was using. So I followed the directions 
I set ci_external_url in /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb and ran `sudo gitlab-ctl 
reconfigure`. Of course that didn't work, as I now know that Gitlab CI 
wasn't included in version 7.3.0 omnibus.

I decided to upgrade to Gitlab 7.10.0, again using the omnibus .deb. I ran 
`dpkg -i <the .deb>`, and after unpacking the upgrade script ran, as 
expected. However, the upgrade script ultimately failed, and the error 
message seemed to indicate that it was trying to upgrade CI in some way. 
"Ah ha," I said, "I still have ci_external_url defined in 
/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb, but I never really had Gitlab CI installed." I 
removed that line from the config, ran `gitlab-ctl reconfigure`, then ran 
`gitlab-ctl upgrade` again, and the upgrade script succeeded and my Gitlab 
instance was working again (freshly upgraded to 7.10.0, of course).

So then I tried adding ci_external_url back to the config and running 
`gitlab-clt reconfigure`. That ran without error, and my Gitlab instance 
was still running fine. However, when I tried to browse to my local URL for 
Gitlab CI, I got "502 Bad Gateway". Checking 
/var/log/gitlab/gitlab-ci/production.log, I saw lots of this:

  PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR:  relation "projects" does not exist
  LINE 1: SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects"  WHERE "projects"."alway...
  : SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects"  WHERE "projects"."always_build" = 

So now Gitlab CI is installed, but having problems that seem to indicate 
its database isn't fully migrated. I tried running gitlab-ctl upgrade 
again, and it succeeded, but Gitlab CI still has the same problem.

I don't currently have any CI-related data to lose, so I could just do a 
rake db:reset or equivalent for the CI app, but I'm not sure what the 
proper Gitlab way to do that is (what user run as, etc.), or if that would 
completely solve the problem.

Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

Todd Thomas

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