
I'm trying to set up GitLab on my Debian 8 server. I'm on the latest
Omnibus configured to use an external PostgreSQL, an external Redis
(CI's disabled), and an external Apache. I'm using mod_passenger as my
app server.

When I visit [my GitLab instance][1], I get:

> Cannot load `Rails.application.database_configuration:
> Could not load database configuration. No such file - ["config/database.yml"] 
> (RuntimeError)

Does anyone know why that might be?

The app root is at `/opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/`. When
I run `sudo -u git less
/opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/config/database.yml` to test
for permission problems, I get the correct result.

Here's my [`gitlab.rb`][2]. I'm not sure why the whitespace is there -
I did `grep -v '#'` to get the interesting bits, but apparently grep
didn't remove the newlines.

See also my [Apache configuration][3] and the [relevant `/etc/passwd`
section][4]. Any idea what's going on? What other information can I
provide to help debug this?

FWIW, `sudo -u www-data ls -l $(readlink
returns "Permission denied".



 [1]: https://git.strugee.net/
 [2]: http://sprunge.us/OTiY
 [3]: http://sprunge.us/DiId
 [4]: http://sprunge.us/JbbS 

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