Hello guys.

Before someone asks, due to some specific limitations at my job's 
networking, I need to try something with this complexity. I wish it could 
be simpler.

Basically, I have a Python script which authenticates users in our IMAP 
server. I need Omniauth provider to call it to authenticate, get return 
result (exit code) and let/refuse user login.
It doesn't get any user data, not even their emails (our emails can have 
multiple suffixes. Just user and password.

Right now I've done this:
- GitLab Container (using Docker, latest version, 17.04), using GitLab 
- I get a button below regular login screen, to Login via Ourprovider
- I get the form with user, password and login button (I get to the request 
phase correctly)
- If I enter data and press Login, it goes to callback, where I have the 
user and password

And there's where I cannot understand corretly the issue.

I'm trying to just develop a fake temporary solution, in which I just 
return something like Tru/False, just for checking if user logged in 
correctly or not and allow login.
User already exists and I can login normally through the normal GitLab 

I can't understand next phase.
Do I need to return something like True/False?
Do I need to use token for anything? If yes, how can I access it?
How do I say user can login?
How do I say to GitLab user can't login?

I "configured" this:

- Added this configuration to /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
gitlab_rails['omniauth_enabled'] = true
gitlab_rails['omniauth_providers'] = [
      "name" => "Ourprovider",
      "secret" => "our_secret",
      "url" => 
      "args" => { "user_admin" => 
"just_some_user_which_exists_for_this_not_to_be_empty" }

- Added provider to omniauth.rb 

> module OmniAuth
>   module Strategies
>     autoload :Bitbucket, Rails.root.join('lib', 'omniauth', 'strategies', 
> 'bitbucket') - already there, not needed for us
>     autoload :Ourprovider, Rails.root.join('lib', 'omniauth', 
> 'strategies', 'ourprovider') - added this line
>   end     
> end       
> Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
>   provider :ourprovider
> end

- Added script provider in 

> module OmniAuth
>   module Strategies
>     class Ourprovider
>       include OmniAuth::Strategy
>       attr_reader :token
>       option :title, "IMAP Authentication"
>       option :fields, [:name, :email]
>       option :uid_field, [:name, :email]
>       def request_phase
>         File.open('/tmp/omniauth', 'a') { |file| file.write("request_phase 
> (test)\n") }
>         OmniAuth::Form.build(
>           :title => "IMAP Authentication",
>           :url => callback_path
>         ) do |f|
>           f.text_field 'Username', 'username'
>           f.password_field 'Password', 'password'
>           f.button "Login"
>         end.to_response
>       end
>      def callback_phase
>         File.open('/tmp/omniauth', 'a') { |file| 
> file.write("callback_phase\n") }
>         #File.open('/tmp/omniauth', 'a') { |file| file.write("request: " + 
> request.params.to_s + "\n") }
>         #File.open('/tmp/omniauth', 'a') { |file| file.write("username: " 
> + request['username'].to_s + "\n") }
>       end
>       uid do
>         File.open('/tmp/omniauth', 'a') { |file| file.write("uid\n") }
>       end
>       info do
>         File.open('/tmp/omniauth', 'a') { |file| file.write("info\n") }
>         {
>           :nickname => request['username'],
>         }
>       end
>     end
>   end
> end

As you can see, I only have some text being written to a file in the 
methods. I'm trying to understand the way it works. After I understand how 
to allow/refuse login, I'll try to really authenticate users against our 
IMAP server.
I'm very confused, at this point...

Can anybody help me understanding this?
Thanks a lot for all your help!
Best regards,
Luis Nabais

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