
We have a GitLab EE installed. Now I need to mirror a project to GitHub. In 
my GitLab project, under tab "Repository", section "Push to a remote 
repository", I set "Git repository URL" to 
"https://<USER>:<PWD>@github.com/<USER>/mytest.git" and I launch a run. I 
come up with the following error message:

fatal: unable to access 
'https://*****:*****@github.com/<USER>/mytest.git/': Failed to connect to 
github.com port 443: Connection refused

My GitLab is running behind a proxy. So I edited file /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb 
and I set:

gitlab_rails['env'] = {
'http.proxyHost' => "myproxy.myorg.ch",
'http.proxyPort' => "3128",
'https.proxyHost' => "myproxy.myorg.ch",
'https.proxyPort' => "3128",
'http.nonProxyHosts' => " ... "

Plus gitlab-ctl reconfigure. No change.

Does anyone has a clue?


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