The logs also gave me this error:

  Unexpected error in mod_passenger: An error occured while sending the
request body to the request handler: Broken pipe (32)
     in 'virtual void Passenger::Application::Session::sendBodyBlock(const
char*, unsigned int)' (Application.h:159)
     in 'int Hooks::handleRequest(request_rec*)' (Hooks.cpp:529)

I haven't got this many times before.

On Sun, May 29, 2011 at 1:29 PM, Madhurranjan Mohaan <> wrote:

> Hi ,
> I have a gitorious installation that works with ssh but there is
> requirement to get it working with http/https. I got the "git clone"
>  working with http but not git push. I then came upon smart http and have
> been trying to use that to get the git push to work but it hasn't . I have
> been looking at various links but none of that has worked. My git.conf in
> conf.d has the following configuration :
> <VirtualHost *:80>
>         ServerName
>         ServerAlias
>         DocumentRoot /var/www/gitorious/public
>         RewriteEngine On
>         ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/gitorious-error.log
>         LogLevel debug
>         SetEnv GIT_PROJECT_ROOT /var/www/gitorious/public/repo --- this is
> a soft link to /var/git/repositories . The config/gitorious.yml points
> to /var/www/gitorious/public/repo.
>         SetEnv GIT_HTTP_EXPORT_ALL
>         ScriptAlias /git/ /usr/libexec/git-core/git-http-backend/
>         <Directory /var/www/gitorious/public>
>                 Allow from all
>                 Options -Multiviews
>         </Directory>
> </VirtualHost>
> As a user, when I try to do a "git push origin master" , I get this error :
> *-bash-3.2$ git push origin master*
> error: Cannot access URL, return
> code 22
> fatal: git-http-push failed
> .git/config has the following
> [core]
>         repositoryformatversion = 0
>         filemode = true
>         bare = false
>         logallrefupdates = true
> [remote "origin"]
>         fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
>         url =
> [branch "master"]
>         remote = origin
>         merge = refs/heads/master
> How can I get this to work? Also,  will the same changes work for https ?
> thanks
> Ranjan

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