Same error when I created a project and repository using gitorious only.
refs/merge-requests doesn't get created on the repositories neither.

On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 10:58 AM, Pedro Kiefer <> wrote:

> I'm having the same problem on my local gitorious install, at least on the
> production machine, didn't check on my dev virtual machine.
> It seems that gitorious is not creating the /refs/merge-requests directory,
> not sure why. The repository in question was one that I manually migrated to
> gitorious, maybe this directory is created normally on a gitorious managed
> repo? Should I manually create this for each repository, or this should be
> automatic (ie. just create when a merge request is first create)?
> Output from script/console:
> >> mr.target_repository.full_repository_path
> => "/var/git/repositories/2f0/c78/ad7a33b9d36b627be36c5f26a1aa87bfe9.git"
> >> mr.tracking_repository.full_repository_path
> => "/var/git/repositories/bf2/0bc/183f15a0eb49b3a018fe27dde6b5ec5f06.git"
> Both this directories only have on refs/ 'heads" and 'tags" directories.
> tmp/pids/poller.log has this:
> #<Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory -
> /var/git/repositories/bf2/0bc/183f15a0eb49b3a018fe27dde6b5ec5f06.git/git-daemon-export-ok>
> *** below you find all exception objects found in memory, some of them may
> have been thrown in your application, others may just be in memory because
> they are standard exceptions ***
> #<NoMemoryError: failed to allocate memory>
> #<SystemStackError: stack level too deep>
> #<fatal: exception reentered>
> #<LoadError: no such file to load -- daemons>
> #<TypeError: Expected a filter, an endpoint, a callable or a list of any of
> these.>
> #<Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - /var/git/repositories/bf2/0bc>
> #<ActiveMessaging::StopProcessingException: Time to stop.>
> #<SystemExit: exit>
> But the file is there with 666 permission. The repository in question has
> 777 permission, which is odd, all others repositories have 750 permission,
> and every thins is owned by git.
> poller, git-daemon, ultrasphinx and gitorious are all running as git, as
> they should. I'm not entirely sure what the problem really is!
> On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 3:20 AM, Marius Mårnes Mathiesen <
>> wrote:
>> On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 6:27 PM, Ryan Linneman <>wrote:
>>> I've setup a private install of gitorious on ubuntu following
>>> Christians guide at
>>> Almost everything seems to be functional now.  I can seem to find any
>>> other reports of the following issue and am not well versed in Ruby/
>>> Rails.  The problem I have is when attempting to review a merge
>>> request, the section "Commits that would be merged" shows the
>>> following "An error has occured. Please try again later."  I've looked
>>> into the production.log file and get:
>>> NoMethodError (undefined method `diffs' for nil:NilClass):
>>>  app/models/merge_request_version.rb:107:in `single_commit_diff'
>> Ryan,
>> The problem you're seeing may be caused by some parts missing on your
>> server. A quick background:
>> - When you create a merge request, a new branch is pushed to the target
>> repository (refs/merge-requests/<merge-request-id>. This branch will be the
>> commit chosen as the last commit in the merge request
>> - At the same time, one branch is created for each version of a merge
>> request in a hidden tracking repository for the target repository
>> (refs/merge-request/<merge-request-id>/<version>
>> It could be that one of these branches is missing. To find the path to
>> these repositories on disk:
>> Assuming the URL to your merge request is /project/repo/merge_requests/1:
>> enter this inside script/console to find the location of the repositories on
>> disk (substitute "project", "repository" and "1" with the real values from
>> your merge request:
>> mr =
>> Project.find_by_slug("project").repositories.find_by_name("repo").merge_requests.find_by_sequence_number(1)
>> mr.target_repository.full_repository_path
>> mr.tracking_repository.full_repository_path
>> Now, verify that the merge request branch exists in the target repository:
>> cat <target_repo_path>/refs/merge-requests/1  # should be the SHA of the
>> merge request
>> cat <tracking_repo_path>/refs/merge-requests/1/1  # should be the same
>> Are both of these correct?
>> Cheers,
>> - Marius
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