
I finally got my setup working with your help. Thanks for the hints.

First of all: It's worth noticing that /var/www/gitorious/script/gitorious 
(symlinked to /usr/local/bin/gitorious) has a debug-flag which activates 
debug output even to the client. Just setting *$DEBUG=false* to* $DEBUG=true
* in line 14 helped a lot.

I figured out that I have to problems simultaniously. :-)

First of all: The "wrong status line"-error resulted from me forcing the 
client using port 443.

# Port the ./script/gitorious script should use:
  gitorious_client_port: 443

After changing it back to port 80 the connection was successfully 
established but another error occured (see below).

Am Mittwoch, 6. Juli 2011 01:21:22 UTC+2 schrieb Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas:
> No, that is correct. I was guessing that if it was another name that could 
> not be resolved by the Gitorious server itself, this could be a problem.
I have an apache2 running with virtual domain hosting. So one of my virtual 
domains is now gitorious.dev.mydomain.tld. The problem is that localhost 
doesn't point to this vhost so with the setting  *gitorious_client_host: 
localhost* the client connected to a different setup. Which cause the new 
== Gitorious: ==========================================================
Access denied or wrong repository path

After changing the setting to *gitorious_client_host: 
*the connection worked.


> Try to log the query_url to some file so that you can try to see the full 
> output using gitorious_client_host:gitorious_client_port/query_url.
That was part of the solution as it helped me understand that my wget-test 
wasn't accurate. After trying exactly what the gitourious-client calls I 
understood the problem and could figure out a solution.

I see you're using Debian, so I may suggest you one of these recipes for 
> installing Gitorious with automated steps using Opscode Chef. The former 
> will install faster. The another one will use REE (Ruby Enterprise Edition) 
> and RVM:
> https://github.com/rosenfeld/gitorious-cookbooks (be aware that you should 
> remove the URLs for Gitorious repository and branch from the example 
> configuration to use the mainline one)
> http://rosenfeld.heroku.com/en/articles/2011-03-06-installing-gitorious-has-never-been-so-easy-
>  but try to use this another repository as I don't maintain this recipe 
> anymore:
> https://github.com/fnichol/chef-gitorious
I installed ruby by using the deb-packages from 
http://www.rubyenterpriseedition.com/download.html#debian. I started trying 
on Debian Lenny (5.0) but there were too many errors and problems so I 
upgraded on Debian Squeeze (6.0) which worked out fine.

To install gitorious in general I followed the instructions on 
http://gitorious.org/gitorious/pages/DebianSqueezeInstallation and had to 
adapt some things. For example I had to hack almost every direct call to 
rake by using "bundle exec rake" because the rake-versions from the installs 
don't match.

But now my journey seems to have found a end. Wow, I must agree with you: 
Installing gitorious is very hard. :-)

Thanks for your input,

PS: I was so verbose with my post since I HATE finding my problem on a 
mailing list or forums and then seing the solution "Thanks, fixed it.". So 
this is for all the Debian-guys who want to have a setup like mine. :-) 

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