Well apparently I really have no clue on the upgrade. The site will
not upgrade using git fetch as stated in the wiki for upgrade, says on
the merge does not point to commit.

So with that being said, I am trying to figure out a deployment
strategy for changes, etc to the website. I am thinking like the

WebServer --> Gitorious Install

ClientMachine --> clone of Gitorious mainline
                                       |----> Branch of customized

So maintaining the code on the client machine I would like to push the
branch changes to the production WebServer, this is where I get all
jacked up. Can't seem to wrap my head around how to proceed with this
so that any change I make can be pushed up to the production

Help for the newbie :-)



On Jul 14, 11:01 am, Areva <arevafield...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you for the response Christian
> I will have to investigate further, look forward to a blog tutorial
> maybe on the Capistrano
> On Jul 13, 11:11 pm, Christian Johansen <christ...@cjohansen.no>
> wrote:
> > On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 00:13, Areva <arevafield...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I am just curious of people's deployment strategies and how-to's with
> > > regard to installing Gitorious on Ubuntu and using Capistrano as a
> > > deployment mechanism.
> > We use Capistrano for gitorious.org, and it's working out great for us. In
> > general I would advice you to at least have a copy of your Gitorious
> > installation that is not your production box, so you have a sandbox where
> > you can try out upgrades and so on. A good strategy is to add your own
> > Gitorious installation as a remote in the Gitorious repo, and use that for
> > deployment. This way you can clone down the repo, try an upgrade, and if it
> > works, push back to your own server and `cap deploy`. The deployment recipe
> > can live in that repo on your server.
> > > I have a gitorious install that works but am contemplating upgrading
> > > and am a little confused and need some guidance.
> > > The install I have does not have the changelog script that will tell
> > > you version, so I guess I need to start there along with migrating
> > > existing repositories, etc..
> > No need to start over. You can update to 2.0.0 from your existing install.
> > Take a look at this page:https://gitorious.org/gitorious/pages/Upgrading.
> > In particular, you have to make sure you are using Bundler for gems.
> > > Next how would you implement a Capistrano strategy as mentioned in
> > > another post.
> > We have a fairly run-of-the-mill Capistrano recipe. In addition we have some
> > tasks to start/stop services, but this depends on your setup. We use monit
> > to manage things like the poller, so this may not apply to your setup.
> > Here's a task to restart the poller:
> >   namespace :poller do
> >     desc "Restart the poller"
> >     task :restart, :roles => [:app] do
> >       invoke_command "cd #{current_path}; ruby script/poller restart"
> >     end
> >   end
> > You can trigger it using Capistrano's hooks: after "deploy:update_code",
> > "poller:restart"
> > > I am a really new to all this so confusion is pretty much the standard
> > > operating procedure as of late, any help would be appreciated or
> > > workflow that you have successfully done.
> > I'd like to blog about our Capistrano setup, but that'll have to wait until
> > after my vacation (starts next week).
> > > Thank you so much in advance and too the Gitorious team well done.
> > Thanks :)
> > Christian

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