Hi there, on a personal Gitorious install, I cannot seem to go to the
dashboard page at all. All the other pages are working, repositories,
search, etc are all working. I just can't go to the dashboard to add SSH
keys, for example. When I log out, everything looks ok as well, until I log
in, that is. I have to click on "Let us know" link, then from there, I can
proceed everywhere else. The error produced in the logs are:

ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `user' for nil:NilClass) on line
#112 of app/views/site/dashboard.html.erb:
109:       </div>
110:       <ul class="with_icons">
111:         <% @favorites.each do |favorite| %>
112:           <li class="<%= css_classes_for(favorite) -%>">
113:             <%= link_to_watchable(favorite) -%>
114:           </li>
115:         <% end %>

    app/helpers/favorites_helper.rb:88:in `css_classes_for'
    app/views/site/dashboard.html.erb:111:in `each'





I'm not sure if you need the full traceback or not. I'll provide other info
if you need.. Thanks.

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