On Friday, September 14, 2012 6:31:57 PM UTC+5:30, Selva kumar wrote:
> On Friday, September 14, 2012 4:26:48 PM UTC+5:30, Selva Kumar wrote:
>> I tried to publish my changes. but it throws this error?? is it just me 
>> experiencing this problem???  
>> ==========================================================================
>> /media/Programming/tutorials/git_tut/tutorial$ git push origin master
>> The authenticity of host 'gitorious.org (' can't be 
>> established.
>> RSA key fingerprint is 7e:af:8d:ec:f0:39:5e:ba:52:16:ce:19:fa:d4:b8:7d.
>> Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
>> Warning: Permanently added 'gitorious.org,' (RSA) to the 
>> list of known hosts.
>> Agent admitted failure to sign using the key.
>> Permission denied (publickey).
>> fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
>> ==========================================================================
> here we go.. 
> thanks to cjno and zmalltalker from #gitorious
> here is the thing I just did:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1204707/
> i think it is not necessary to create a new key
> I don't know how it works. but i'm ready learn if any helps...
no it doesnt works.  it just works one time.
i just restarted my system and then it works... odd isn't it??

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