I'm trying to transfer the ownership of a project and repository belonging 
to someone whose account has been disabled. Since the account is disabled 
I'm trying to use the ruby console to transfer ownership, but I'm getting a 
NoMethodError using the methods defined on these models. I'm new to 
ruby/rails so it's possible I'm overlooking something fairly obvious, but 
here's what I'm doing:

% env RAILS_ENV=production ruby script/console
>> user = User.find_by_login('username')
=> #<User id: 23, ...>
>> proj = Project.find_by_slug('foo-project)
=> #<Project id: 121, ...>
>> proj.change_owner_to user
NoMethodError: undefined method `change_owner_to' for 
    from (irb):32

What am I missing here? Is there a better way to do this? I'm using 
gitorious v2.1.1.


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