thanks man. by watching your configuration, i have seen that i need to 
use login_attribute instead of username_attribute. now im able to connect 
using LDAP/domain credentials.
however, new problem arises: our organisation uses 
name.surname@domain.local as usernames, and i now have a problem: dots 
('.') are replaced by minus signs ('-') and it not possible for a user to 
send messages or open his dashboard with such usernames. any idea?

On Tuesday, January 8, 2013 12:53:49 PM UTC+1, wrote:
> Try this one:
> production:
>   disable_default: false
>   methods:
>     - adapter: Gitorious::Authentication::LDAPAuthentication
>       host: XXXX
>       port: 389
>       base_dn: DC=XXXX,DC=local
>       login_attribute: sAMAccountName
>       distinguished_name_template: "{}@XXXX.local"
>       encryption: none
>       bind_username: ldapuser
>       bind_password: password
> On Wednesday, December 26, 2012 11:03:47 AM UTC+1, nikoladsp wrote:
>> hi,
>> i am testing gitorious as a local service at my company. currently i'm 
>> having problems with AD integration. i tried several configurations by 
>> reading various posts but with no luck. when using:
>> env RAILS_ENV=production script/test_ldap_connection 
>> <my_domain_username> <my_domain_pwd>
>> it says:
>> All good, your credentials are correct
>> which is afaik good :)
>> but when trying logging using web interface, it fails. i have no idea 
>> what is going on.
>> my authentication.yml is as folows:
>> production:
>>   disable_default: false
>>   methods:
>>     - adapter: Gitorious::Authentication::LDAPAuthentication
>>       host: <DC IP>
>>       base_dn: OU=Users,OU=TDMS,DC=test,DC=local
>>       distinguished_name_template: "{}@test.local"
>>       attribute_mapping:
>>         mail: email
>>       encryption: none
>>       user_filter:
>>       username_attribute: sAMAccountName
>>       login_atribute: uid
>>       cache_expiry: 60
>> thanks in advance

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