
Sorry, Chris posted this for me as my messages didn't seem to be going 
through. I see both of them now, though. 

Regardless, the majority of the changes are to move the application to a 
new location on the filesystem to keep within our standards. The stack as I 
currently have it configured is nginx, unicorn, stompserver, resque, native 
git-daemon with the git-proxy, thinking-sphinx (bundle exec rake ts:start), 
and mysql. 

gitorious_status claims everything is up except for git-daemon and mysql. 
I've logged into mysql with the username and pass which gitorious is 
configured to use and I see that the database is there. And I have cloned 
from the lone repository I've been testing with using the git:// url, so 
the git-proxy -> git-daemon interaction seems to be working.

admin/diagnostics/ reports green for everything down the list.

I did have to create init scripts for the git daemon, as running it through 
xinet.d wasn't working (it will not accept port/listen arguments in inet 
mode). I also created one for stompserver, as it was not starting along 
with everything else either.

I'm beginning to try and work the path out myself. I know a fair bit of 
ruby, but have not really worked with the Rails framework before, and so it 
is taking a bit of time. Uncommenting the line which sets logging to debug 
level in environment.rb has not produced anything further in any of the 
logs, unfortunately.


On Thursday, June 27, 2013 2:37:52 AM UTC-4, Marius Mårnes Mathiesen wrote:
> Chris Holden writes: 
> >   I have been working on modifying the CE installer for the past couple 
> of 
> > weeks in order to comply with coporate standards. I have at this point 
> > gotten most things working reliably, including surviving through 
> multiple 
> > reboots. 
> > 
> >   In fact, the last thing which seems to be presenting itself as an 
> > obstacle is user creation via the web UI. Sometimes, after the install, 
> it 
> > works. But I can't seem to get it working at all after a reboot. 
> > 
> >   Would someone kindly help me by giving a brief overview of the path 
> taken 
> > once the create button is clicked? I believe this will help me run down 
> > what the issue might be, or at least where it is breaking. 
> > 
> >   Due to the changes required, I'm not sure the status script is working 
> > properly, as mysql is up but it claims it to be down, the git-daemon is 
> > running but it says it is not (though it does say the proxy is running, 
> > which it is). 
> > 
> >   I do get the email informing me I should activate my account, but the 
> > activation code is not valid when I try, and I get a 502 "Bad Gateway" 
> > error on the UI. I see no hints in the production.log, in fact the only 
> > thing which I see written to anything in app/log is what looks like a 
> > keepalive or heartbeat in git-proxy.log: 
> Chris, 
> You could increase the log level by setting log_level in 
> config/environment.rb, that should give you some more output in 
> log/production.log. 
> The 502 error when confirming a user account suggests that some action 
> taking place after doing this times out. What are the changes you've 
> applied to the server after running the installer? 
> Cheers, 
> - Marius 

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