The GLOSAS project has people from UNESCO, UN, etc working to pursue
such a fund - a global trust fund - and I think Japan has already promised
billions if other countries will match it.

Parker Rossman               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
3 Lemmon Drive           author, EMERGING WORLDWIDE ELECTRONIC
Columbia MO 65201        UNIVERSITY (Praeger, 1993) Draft of sequel volume
                          RESEARCH ON CRISES is at address below:

On Wed, 21 Feb 2001, Yong-Suk Lee wrote:

 > What do you think is the feasibility and/or usefulness of an international
 > fund to bridge digital divide?
 > There has been much talk about digital divide.
 > Would such fund be the answer or part of the answer?
 > If so, what would it take to make it successful?  Including ways to address
 > the following issues....
 >     - participation and proportion of donation among countries
 >     - decision making structure
 >     - what international forum or forums can be utilized

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