Please find attached the February issue of Partners.  For a printable copy
of Partners visit the external GKP website ( under

PARTNERS: Vol. 3 No. 2   February 2001

In this issue:

DOT.Force Consultations Update
New GKP Partner
GKP Meeting Update
GKP Action Plan Update
Letter to the Editor
InfoDev Call for Proposals
New Resource:
Tanzania Online Information Center
How to Subscribe


Readers will recall the recent announcement in Partners that the GKP has
been asked to provide input into the DOT.Force Consultations, which will
eventually form the basis for action by the G8. The consultation process
began in January, and is moving into full speed. GKP members have been
contributing in four venues:
- We have reactivated the GKD discussion list, and are looking for input
into the consultation discussion. The GKD list has historically played a
critical role in the global forum on ICTs for development, and its
reactivation has sparked a lively and informative discussion.
- We have received great cooperation from individual GKP members. More
than 20 member organizations have agreed to participate in consultation
activities and to provide their organization's materials for the
consultations. If your organization has documents and other materials that
are appropriate for the DOT force consultation, please send them to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], with a short note on how they can be used in the
- In conjunction with the team working on the action program, we are
developing a new set of web pages for the GKP web site. Using some
interesting new software, a set of specific pages addressing each issue in
the DOT.Force will be developed. Each page will be backed by a library of
materials and links, and will have a method for GKP members to post
discussions and other materials. We plan to have these pages up and
running by the GKP Annual Meeting in March.
- The DOT.Force has proposed to use the Global Development Learning
Network (GDLN) for some more immediate, face-to-face input into the
consultations through some videoconferences. They have asked us if GKP
members would consent to being involved in these events, which may occur
in April.

A large part of the GKP Annual Meeting in March will be devoted to the
consultation process. By that time, we expect to have a large body of
information collected and organized for the GKP submission. The discussion
at the Annual Meeting will be important to craft the submission to the
DOT.Force so that it accurately reflects the positions of the GKP and its

As a reminder, the broad issues the DOT.Force is to address include:
- Fostering policy, regulatory and network readiness;
- Improving connectivity, increasing access and lowering costs;
- Building human capacity;
- Encouraging participation in global e-commerce networks.

A fuller description of the issues and more general information on the
DOT.Force can be found at For information on the
consultation process contact Larry Forgy at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or Joan

To subscribe to the GKD List either go to the GKP website at and click on "Join a Discussion" or send an e-mail
directly to the LISTSERV host: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [Do not enter a
subject. In the body type the text: SUBSCRIBE GKD Remember not to put
anything after GKD. You will receive a Welcome Letter to confirm that you
are on the GKD list.]

This month's Partners welcomes and features another new organization that
has joined the Partnership. (Visit the GKP website at
for a full list of GKP member organizations with links to their websites.)

The Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO) CTO is a
partnership of Commonwealth governments and telecommunications businesses.
Its aim is to promote telecommunications in the interests of consumers and
businesses and to promote social and economic development. CTO has three
main strands of activity:
- Telecommunications business development
- Telecommunications policy and regulation
- Telecommunications for social and economic development

CTO currently has 35 full members. Most Commonwealth countries are full
members of CTO and make a financial contribution in ratio to their
telecommunications turnover. In addition, eight Commonwealth states and
ten dependent territories participate as associated national members. The
government of each member country holds the membership in CTO, but
delegates it to one or more telecommunications entities, usually the
government department or major private sector organization that delivers
telecommunications services. Member governments also nominate a
representative to sit on the Commonwealth Telecommunications Council. For
more information visit the website at

The GKP's Annual Meeting is being hosted by the Swiss Agency for
Development Cooperation (SDC), in Geneva on March 22-23. If you're
interested in attending, please contact Joan Hubbard at the GKP
Secretariat for details ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). The three main agenda
items will be: discussion of GKP's report to the DOT force; review of the
GKP Action plan; and election of new members to the Partnership's
Executive Committee.

In preparation for the GKP's Annual Meeting, Nalan Yuksel of CIDA has
agreed to prepare an update of the GKP's Action Plan, and to work with
Larry Forgy in bringing the action items together with the issues raised
in the DOT.Force Consultations. The synergies between the two, and the
work already done on the action plan, should provide excellent input to
the GKP's submission to the DOT.Force. Nalan has already had individual
discussions with many GKP members. She says she is "impressed with what
has been accomplished in areas of the Action Plan. We now need to bring
this together in a comprehensive fashion." GKP members will be asked to
help in three ways:

- Contribute to the on-line GKD discussions being held on the DOT.Force
Consultations (see previous article).
- Provide a one-page summary of activities their organization has been
involved in during the past year that relate to the Action Plan. These can be
activities undertaken with GKP members or with other organizations, but
must have a link to the Action Items.
- Help build a new GKP mini-portal/extranet site for GKP members and GKP's
DOT.Force Consultations. Look for details in Partners and at soon.

Nalan will be contacting champions and leaders for the individual Action
Items soon. All members, and especially new GKP members, are however
encouraged to provide input as soon as they can. Send submissions,
comments, or questions to Nalan Yuksel at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

LETTER TO THE EDITOR:  from Stephanie Hankey (OSI)
The OSI is pleased to be one of GKP's newest members and to have been
featured in last month's Partners. Due to a strategic change in the work of the
Information Programs at the OSI, we would like to add to Partners'
description of our activities.

The Open Society Institute (OSI), part of the Soros foundations network,
has been a major player in developing the information sectors in emerging
democracies over the past ten years. Focusing primarily on the
post-communist countries of Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, and
Central Asia, OSI has run large-scale programs to develop Internet access,
digital content provision, publishing and libraries.

In the last year, the OSI has been in the process of rethinking its
activities in this area. Recently it merged three previously separate
programs (Internet, publishing and libraries) to form the Information
Program. It has begun working in new areas, supporting initiatives with
global implications in Internet policy and social applications of
technology, as well as extending its work to include new geographical
areas, including Southern and Western Africa.

The mission of this new OSI information program is civic empowerment and
effective democratic governance through the deployment of information and
communication resources in new democracies and countries in transition.
Information regarding the activities of this new program will be appearing
on our website in the coming months. For more information please contact
Stephanie Hankey at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The World Bank's Information for Development Program (infoDev) has
announced two calls for proposals for the infoDev ICT Infrastructure and
E-Readiness Assessments Initiative. The first is a call for proposals for
countries or regions to carry out their ICT Infrastructure and E-Readiness
Assessments. The second is to establish and maintain a Facilitation Center
to provide coordination, organizational, and technical support to
developing and transition countries that receive infoDev grants for
assessment of ICT infrastructure and E-readiness. Information about the
Initiative and directions on submitting a proposal can be found on the
infoDev website at

Tanzania Online Information Center

Tanzania Online is a gateway to information on development issues in
Tanzania. A UNDP/UN, Government of Tanzania and Economic and Social
Research Foundation (ESRF) initiative, the website will benefit government
officials, policymakers, members of the private sector, civil society and
the donor community, as well as researchers and academicians who are
searching for information on development in the country. For more
information, visit

May 28-June 3, 2001. Building Bridges with Traditional Knowledge. Honolulu,
"Building Bridges" is an international summit on issues involving
indigenous peoples, conservation, sustainable development, and
ethnoscience. More than 1200 participants--representing universities,
businesses, governments, conservation organizations, and indigenous
peoples--will convene in Hawaii to share their perspectives and develop
new, collaborative relationships. For more information on the conference,
please e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] or visit

Information for the calendar is gleaned from GK-AIMS, which can be found
at or from the GKP home page by clicking
on "Help Build the Knowledge Base." For more detailed information on
calendar listings, visit GK-AIMS or the event website. To reach a wider
audience for your events, always post details in the GK-AIMS database. And
to find out what others are doing, visit often. For help, send an e-mail

HOW TO SUBSCRIBE: Partners is issued monthly. If you wish to receive this
regular briefing, or if you know of others who would like to receive it,
please send the e-mail address to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Comments and
suggestions? Items for inclusion? Send them to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Partners is the newsletter of the Global Knowledge Partnership, a growing
partnership of public, private and not-for-profit organizations working
together to help people access knowledge and harness information and
communications technologies that will help them live meaningful and
fruitful lives.
Editors: Miriam Razaq & Lesley Anne Simmons, Editorial Assistant: Megan
Breece. The Global Knowledge Partnership Secretariat, c/o The World Bank
Institute, The World Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington D.C. 20433 Tel: 1
202 473-4799 Fax: 1 202 522-1492 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GKP maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

***GKD is an initiative of the Global Knowledge Partnership***
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