Dear GKD Members,

For a more lengthy treatment of the issues surrounding e-government,
Internet access, censorship and dictatorships touched on in the article
cited by Jeff Kaplan in CIO Magazine, see the excellent article by William
J. Drake, Shanthi Kalathil, and Taylor C. Boas, "Dictatorships in the
Digital Age", reprinted on the Carnegie Endowment website with permission
from iMP Magazine:

There are a number of other good articles at this site, which is the home of
the "Information Revolution and World Politics Project" at Carnegie.

In addition to this site, there are at least 40 good articles on
e-government developments in the Americas to be found at Punto-Com Magazine:

Relevant to this discussion thread, there are several good articles at following the rise and fall of and its initiative
in Latin America which make good reading.

Perhaps we need a global location for links, discussion, resources, cases on
e-government.  Or maybe the World Bank site
( will serve this function.


Lee M. Tablewski
Senior Research Associate
Director, Latin American Internet and E-Government Initiative
Dante B. Fascell North-South Center, Univ. of Miami
Tel. 305.284.8951; Fax. 305.284.6370; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Everything that we desire, comes to us through the wire." -- Timbuk3

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