Please reply by 4 MAY 2001 to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


The Sustainable Development Communications Network is launching a new
initiative to develop training materials for civil society Web managers.
Web managers are those individuals who help researchers, public
relations staff, designers, programmers, and IT managers work together
to create Web products and services.  Web managers are not technical
specialists; they are communication specialists able to take advantage
of Internet technologies as appropriate.  They are the people
responsible for making sure that Web products and services actually meet
the needs of their audiences: policy-makers, practitioners, businesses
and/or the general public.  In some organizations, the role of Web
manager may be a full-time job.  In other organizations, the tasks of
Web management may be given to someone who is also a researcher,
information assistant, or graphic designer.

Your Region?

Please indicate the region of the world where you currently work (see for map of regions).

___  Africa - Sub-Saharan
___  East Asia and the Pacific
___  Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia
___  Latin America and the Caribbean
___  Middle East and North Africa
___  OECD
___  South Asia

Your Training Needs?  

Which of the following Web management topics do you want to learn more
Please select only five topics.  Number those five in the order of
importance to you (1 is most important, 5 is least important).

___  Developing communications and engagement strategies 
___  Integrating online and print publishing 
___  Establishing achievable Web goals
___  Financing/budgeting for Web products and services
___  Managing Web teams with in-house and contracted staff
___  Managing content and workflow
___  Prototyping and usability testing 
___  Creating Web style guides and product specifications
___  Developing information architectures for SD web sites
___  Writing and editing for the Web
___  Marketing Web products and services
___  Managing user feedback and communications
___  Understanding and using Web site statistics
___  Maintaining relevance of Web content
___  Managing Web site redesigns/overhauls
___  Other ____________________________

Please, feel free to forward this message to other civil society Web
managers. We are especially interested in the responses of those working
in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East, Asia,
Central and Eastern Europe and the South Pacific.


Terri Willard
Sustainable Development Communications Network

***GKD is an initiative of the Global Knowledge Partnership***
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