Interesting comment by Mr. O'Neill brought to our attention by Mr. Erik

O'Neill said: "We also have questions about MDB involvement in
sophisticated electronic information-sharing systems that may duplicate
work being undertaken by the private sector and that do not take into
account the more basic information and capacity improvement needs of
these countries."

I am at this moment looking at an MDB initiative for a financial
information system in a number of countries which does not appear to be
anchored in a framework of overall strategic planning in the field of
ICTs for those countries. My comment to myself even before I read Mr.
Johnson's message was, How does this initiative fit in with the overall
ICT picture in the countries concerened? At this moment, I am not yet
making any more of it than that, but the coincidence with Mr. O'Neill's
statement did strike me.

Gerry Kenney

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