Digital Opportunity Task Force Presents Final Report

May 23, 2001 - "Digital Opportunities for All: Meeting the Challenge" is
the title of the Report of the Digital Opportunity Task Force (DOT
Force) which is now available on the website of the DOT Force. The
report, which includes a proposal for a "Genoa Plan of Action" to be
discussed at the G8 summit in July in Genoa, Italy, is the result of a
unique international collaboration in which UNESCO actively

In its report, the DOT Force identified priority actions that must be
taken - by national governments and their citizens, the international
community, the private sector, non-profit and community organizations -
in various forms of partnership, to make the digital opportunity a
reality. Under each of the priority areas identified by the G8 summit in
Okinawa, Japan, in Juoy 2000, the DOT Force has identified detailed
actions that should be taken:

* Fostering Policy, Regulatory and Network Readiness - through
establishing and supporting both developing country and emerging economy
National e-Strategies including eGovernment, and universal participation
in new international policy and technical issues raised by ICT and the

* Improving Connectivity Increasing Access and Lowering Costs - through
establishing and supporting a range of targeted interventions as well as
dedicated initiatives for the ICT inclusion of the Least Developed

* Building Human Capacity - through a range of targeted training,
education, knowledge creation and sharing initiatives, as well as
promote ICT for healthcare and in support against HIV/AIDS and other
infectious and communicable diseases.

* Encouraging Participation in Global e-Commerce and other e-Networks -
through enterprise and entrepreneurship for sustainable economic
development, including poverty alleviation, and promote national and
international effort to support the creation of local content and

The Digital Opportunity Task Force (DOT Force), created by the G8 Heads
of State at their Kyushu-Okinawa Summit in July 2000, brought together
forty two teams from government, the private sector, non-profit
organizations, and international organizations, representing both
developed and developing countries, in a cooperative effort to identify
ways in which the digital revolution can benefit all the world's people,
especially the poorest and most marginalized groups.

The "digital divide" is threatening to exacerbate the existing social
and economic inequalities between countries and communities, so the
potential costs of inaction are greater than ever before.

Related Links

Digital Opportunity Task Force

Digital Opportunities for All: Meeting the Challenge. - Report of the
Digital Opportunity Task Force (DOT Force). Including a proposal for a
Genoa Plan of Action. 11 May 2001

Genoa Summit of the G8 countries (20-22 July 2001)

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