Dear Friends,

As you know, one of the major issues of the emerging information era is
the question of economic development strategies. At the Athena Alliance
conference last year, participants agreed that new strategies were
needed  strategies that helped set the conditions to help communities
and businesses become more competitive by using technology.

With that in mind, Athena Alliance has begun a project to explore the
concept of "information-asset based economic development". Our first
paper "Knowledge Management as an Economic Development Strategy" is now
available at our web site at This paper, written
for the U.S. Economic Development Administration, looks at how knowledge
management tools  broadly defined  can be used help communities
harnessing their information and knowledge assets of a community.  While
focused on economic development in the United States, the paper includes
examples from international development taken from examples offered by
many members of this e-mail list.

I hope you find the paper of interest and would welcome any comments.

Ken Jarboe
Athena Alliance

Kenan Patrick Jarboe, Ph.D.
Athena Alliance
711 10th Street, SE
Washington, DC  20003
(202) 547-7064

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