In response to Adam Nash's message on 1 June 2001:

 >In dealing with some recent requests for donated computers, it has
 >become obvious that the hardest aspect of the process is finding the
 >money to pay for the shipping costs.  We are based in Melbourne,
 >Australia, so it is a long way to pretty well anywhere in the world! I
 >am hoping to start a discussion on this list about possible solutions to
 >this problem.

Perhaps if all the organisations that recycle computers got together and
ran an exchange system where they swap a delivery to somewhere nearer
to where they are situated for one nearer to those that they exchange
with.  For instance World Computer Exchange in the states might want to
deliver to Indonesia, whilst Adam Nash's group in Melbourne has a
request for computers in Brazil.   Probably deliveries are already
regionalised to some extent, but this might help.

Also exchanges could be used to consolidate deliveries, making
containers more affordable: all mainland South East Asian deliveries via
Melbourne etc..., making a single container on a ship perhaps viable.
This is how big shipping firms handle their logistics, perhaps they
could provide this type of logistical support to the computer recycling
organisations, if they organised as a group.

Best regards,

Daniel Taghioff

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