This is a diversion from the GKD subjects, but I would like to comment
on Perry Morrison's note below. He is worried about CFCs as refrigerants
in India and China. He may rest assured that under the Montreal
Protocol, production of virgin ODS (ozone depleting substances) was
capped in these (and other developing countries), and would soon cease
altogether. CFC emissions from the stock already in the end-use products
- foams, refrigerators and air-conditioners (stationary and mobile) -
and in the warehouses of producer companies and users (including car
companies, the military, and so on) - will continue. Both these stocks
are far higher in the OECD countries - in particular the US - than in
countries such as India and China. In fact, as far as I know, most of
the refrigerator and airconditioner manufacturers even in India and
China have already shifted to CFC substitutes. This is not to deny that
some particularly vexatious problems in ODS phaseout in these countries
still remain - e.g. halons for fire-fighting.

In short, don't worry much about food preservation in India and China.


Nikhil Desai
Consultant, AFTEG, J9-900
The World Bank

Perry Morrison wrote:
> The CFC/environmental consequences of the bulk of India and China
> wanting fridge/freezers is pretty scary. But who am I to deny such
> lifestyle shifts - especially when the better preservation of food is
> associated with much better health outcomes.

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