Here's some information on an initiative that we are assisting Franklin
Pierce Law Center with. The idea is to provide training for Public Interest
Advocates as well as establishing the foundation for Intellectual Property
Rights (both generally accepted concepts and Traditional Knowledge). We are
in the preliminary stages of this initiative and  are seeking partner
institutions as well as funding.

Wayne King
The Electronic Community
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The Franklin Pierce Initiative
Building a Legal Foundation For Growth
& Civility Across the Globe

About the Franklin Pierce Initiative

I. The Mission
To create a network of partner Universities and institutions with the dual
goals of actively participating in the development of a sustainable legal
infrastructure for the protection of (1) private & collective (associated
with Traditional Knowledge & Folklore) intellectual property rights; and,
(2) public interest advocacy that educates individuals in the skills for
protection for the public interest within the context of developing the
economic and legal framework for private investment.

The Franklin Pierce Initiative will seek to identify and collaborate with
Universities, Law Schools and other appropriate institutions to foster the
development of these legal frameworks in a manner that respects regional and
indigenous values as well as general legal principles and the human rights
of all people.

II. The Concept
The Franklin Pierce Initiative is based on a very powerful concept that
merges the goals of nurturing civil society in developing nations and at the
same time playing a substantive role in the creation of a "legal
infrastructure" for sustainable economic growth.

By strengthening legal curriculum, knowledge and access in developing
nations, with respect to Intellectual Property Rights, we seek to establish
a foundation of fundamental legal principles that nurture an environment
conducive to private investment in these nations.

By strengthening curriculum, knowledge and access in the realm of Public
Interest and Advocacy, we seek to help build a legal and paralegal
infrastructure for public interest advocacy that will contribute to the
building of a wave of civil advocacy across the spectrum of challenges
nations face: healthcare, environmental protection, gender equality, access
to capital and more.

By focusing on these aspects of the law, we believe synergies can be
achieved that will dramatically stimulate economic growth, while protecting
the public interest and enhancing the transparency of institutions.

III. Specific Goals within the Initiative
A. Development of Shared Learning Capacity
By employing traditional approaches and newer technology-based solutions we
seek to develop shared learning capacity of all institutions involved
through both specific curriculum as well as delivery methodologies.

B. Development of a Legal Framework for Respecting Private Intellectual
Property Rights in Developing Nations.
The Franklin Pierce Initiative seeks to play a role in strengthening private
investment in developing nations by helping to create the
"legal-infrastructure" for the respect of Private Intellectual Property
Rights. Specific Objectives within the context of this goal include: The
development of an International Institute for Intellectual Property Rights
with multiple centers in countries around the globe; and, a series of
conferences focusing on the challenges in specific developing

C. Development of a Legal Framework for Understanding and Respecting the
Intellectual Property Rights of Indigenous People.
Respecting the Intellectual Property Rights of indigenous peoples present a
complex and difficult set of challenges for the legal community and
international commerce. The Franklin Pierce Initiative will move to advance
the dialogue that is necessary to help develop a legal framework that
respects the interests of indigenous peoples and advances economic
opportunity. Specific objectives within the context of this goal include the
development of an International Institute for Intellectual Property Rights
Associated with Tradition Knowledge and Folklore and a series of conferences
focusing on the challenges in specific developing nations/regions.

D. Development of a Network of Community Advocates to Enhance the Public
Interest Legal Infrastructure.
Specifically because lessons learned in developed-nations point to the need
for a strong base of public advocacy in the face of efforts to enhance
economic growth opportunities, the Franklin Pierce Initiative seeks to
advance the legal and paralegal education of advocates at the community
level. This will be achieved by developing curriculum and delivery
methodologies that educate individuals to work within the context of their
specific communities. The specific objectives of this goal lie in the
creation of legal, para-legal and non-credentialed advocates.

* Public Interest Infrastructure Project: As one example of this, the FPI is
working with the Electronic Community Project to develop a series of
projects where we combine the donation of computers, computer and Internet
training and development of a curriculum that allows individuals from local
NGOs to earn a certificate or degree without leaving the employ of their
NGO. Additionally, integrating specific problems of the NGO into the
learning process create an added benefit to the NGO sufficient to offset the
"risk" of providing training that might cause their designated person to
seek other employment. This is achieved combining traditional approaches to
teaching (weekend seminars/institutes, traditional classroom activities,
mock problem solving etc.) with Internet delivery of curriculum and
interactive learning via the Internet.

E. Strengthening the Professional Capacity of Partner Institutions
Through education, training, teacher exchanges, workshops and institutes,
the Franklin Pierce Initiative will help develop the capacity of partner
institutions. Specifically, we will assist partners with curriculum
development; provide ideas, advice and training in Law School
Administration; and, provide training in strategic planning, legal research,
authoring and other aspects of the law that both enhance the professional
capacity of institutions and their reputation within the legal community as
a whole.

IV. About Franklin Pierce Law Center
Franklin Pierce Law Center (FPLC) is consistently ranked in the top five Law
Schools in the US in the area of Intellectual Property Law . Additionally,
FPLC has a very strong program in Public Interest Law (Community Law). In
both of these programming areas, FPLC has developed a reputation for
providing a hands-on, personal, legal education where training, clinical
experiences and real life experiences blend to make the law a positive force
for social change and economic growth.

FPLC is committed to maintaining its competitive edge in these areas without
compromising its goal of retaining its character as a school that is
intentionally small in order to provide quality, personal legal education.
As a result of this, Franklin Pierce Law Center has made a commitment to
expanding its reach internationally by creating strategic partnerships with
other colleges and universities throughout the world. These partnerships
will help strengthen the partner institutions, increase the international
reach and effectiveness of Franklin Pierce Law Center, and ultimately, serve
to strengthen the global legal infrastructure in these and other areas of
law and public interest.

The Franklin Pierce Initiative is working closely with The Electronic
Community Project, a nonprofit organization that provides on-site and
Web-based training and content to civil society and development
organizations. Additionally, The Franklin Pierce Initiative engages other
local organizations in the regions in which it becomes involved to assure
that a local presence provides prompt attention to emerging issues.

***GKD is an initiative of the Global Knowledge Partnership***
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