Thanks to Irfan Khan for drawing this to our attention... FN

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Jul  6 01:40:49 2001

[Sristi's website address: ]

13 May, 2001

India's bank of ideas

By Peter Day in Ahmedabad 


I go to Ahmedabad to have lunch with a tableful of some of the most
ingenious people I have ever met - inventors and gadgeteers from the
fields and villages of rural India where 700 million of its one billion
people still live. Over rice and dhal and vegetables eaten with the
hand, they talk excitedly about their inventions and ideas.


Thakershibhai is a farmer who had only a primary school education. A
small man, his body tenses as he tells the story of how after one of the
region's frequent droughts, his son spotted a rogue variety of groundnut
flourishing while other breeds failed.

Thakershibhai nursed the seed - and bred a new variety of tastier,
hardier nut which he now sells to his fellow farmers, who have honoured
him by naming it Thakershi.

>From another village in Gujarat has come Amrutbhai Agrewat, a stocky
serial inventor who has taken the traditional bullock cart and rebuilt
it with a tilting device so that composting need no longer be done by
hand - arduous work traditionally reserved for women.

Another boon for village women is the simple device Mr Agrewat devised
for the well. By adding a locking mechanism to the rope and pulley
mechanism used for centuries, women can rest their load while hauling up
the bucket, making the job much less strenuous than it has ever been

A bespectacled retired schoolteacher Khimjibhai Kanadia has come up with
a stream of inventions in recent years.

Simplest of all is the device for filling plastic bags with soil in
which to plant seedlings.

Mr Kanadia took a plastic drainpipe seven or eight inches long, and cut
it off at an angle at the bottom. Placed in the plastic bag, the women
on piecework can fill one sack in one scoop, increasing their
productivity - and their pay - fourfold. This is pure joy, a simple
invention of genius.

And there are hundreds, if not thousands more of them, all gathered
together under the auspices of an organisation called the Society for
Research and Initiatives for Sustainable Technologies and Innovation;
"Sristi" for short, the Sanskrit for "creation".

Ideas database

Sristi is the brainchild of the man who brought together all these
village inventors to meet me.

Anil Gupta is a professor from the Institute of Management with an
engaging manner and a bushy beard who 10 years ago was troubled by the
fact that the people he wrote about in his published papers could not
read them because they were only in English.

To communicate the excellence of the ideas he was encountering in
village India, he started something called the Honey Bee Network, based
around a magazine describing these sort of innovations in eight
different languages.

The organisation now has 10,000 ideas on a computer database - local
lore and the inventions of dozens of village boffins available to
inquirers, and to companies who want to licence the ideas and pay for

"Why should intellectual property merely benefit big corporations?" asks
Professor Gupta, as he encourages businesses to pay the equivalent of
hundreds of pounds to make things such as the tilting bullock cart.

There is a new venture capital fund to back good ideas. The Sristi
organisation also has a laboratory to test thousands of village remedies
culled from plants such as the fragrant neam tree. Three phials hold
herbal extracts used by villagers to treat foot-and-mouth disease.

"We don't slaughter our animals, we treat them," observes the professor,
referring to the mass culling of cattle in the UK.

Unlike the rest of the Indian Institute of Management, the Honey Bee
Network will create few billionaires. But its flood of ideas (and the
money they generate) have the potential to help millions of people all
over the globe who remain little touched by what we call the modern

Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad

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